Saturday, July 12, 2008

Heart Cries

God it hurts so bad to know that relationships come and relationships's not the greatest feeling in the world to know that you are the reason that the road has ended up where it has. It hurts to know that there is nothing in your power to make situations better, to heal the hurt, to bring restoration and reconciliation, to receive true forgiveness. Yes we want everything in our timing and God has His own way of doing things. How can one make the pain go away? Will things ever return to the way that they were? Will things ever get better? There is a void in my heart from all of those who have walked a way, a place longing to be filled with true love for myself, true peace, true contentment, true relationships! God I'm longing to be complete in you. I'm tired of shedding tears over situations and people that I can't control.

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