Okay God! As I look around, there are just so many things going on at one time. Why???? Ultimately I know you have it all in control, yet the question remains. Making a serious decision to "seek peace and pursue it" even in the midst of things being placed as stumbling blocks and obstacles before you. An examination of sorts...you know those little tests to see if you mean the very words that you speak and to see how far you have come since making your declaration. Home environment, could definitely be better and God you know that I am trying with the very breath in my body. Yet it is difficult, almost appears unattainable at this time. Having the knowledge that both my grandparents are under doctor’s care...just another thing weighing my "thoughts". Not double-minded in the least, concerned but trusting. I'm standing in faith on behalf of my grandparents, believing for healing to be manifested in their bodies. Holding onto the very word that is spoken from this mouth, these hands, into others who have contacted me and said that their loved one or friend is ill and in need of prayer. I thank God for the ministry of Stephen Parson, Sr., where I received the word of faith message and the healing ministry of Rev. Gwendolyn Young. Even when you think you have forgotten, those words, those scriptures, those messages, those testimonies - all come alive during times like these.
If it's in you, it will come out!
When you are interceding on behalf of others, your personal cares seem not to matter as much. Putting the cares of others before your very own, causes God to move on your behalf anyway. It's funny because at the beginning of this writing, my mind was in several other places; God has a way of putting things in perspective. Two songs that I play during my own personal devotions - Kevin Levar and One Sound - Atmosphere of Faith and Eddie James - I Am. Both songs are reminders to me that God can move, that he is capable, that he is willing, that he has the power to do whatever I believe...IN FAITH.
Why don't we believe and take him at his word that he will move and do the very thing that is promised in his word is beyond my comprehension. Kevin Levar ends Atmosphere of Faith with the "no matter what the problem is, it's never too late, if you have the faith, no matter what the situation, I know that it’s going to work out, so don't doubt". We counteract the hand of God from moving on our behalf when we operate in fear and doubt. FEAR - False Evidence Appearing Real. Now the doctor’s reports may be a very real thing, but it isn't law. God's word is the final authority on all things. If His word says we can be healed, then by all means, we shall and can be healed.
Through the tears, through the frustration, through the moments of doubt, through the moments of self-pity...I choose to believe God. He has a plan, and I trust him that all things will work out for our good.
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