Thursday, April 24, 2014

Me? A Rebel Child....

It's been a little while since I've written on this blog. I contemplated writing in the wee hours of the morning, but was engrossed in viewing dresses on Rent the Runway that I knew I wasn't and am not going to get. Two major events coming up and I'm not nearly prepared as I would like to be. Anyway, enough with the rambling...lets get to the reason why I actually started writing at this moment.

A few minutes ago, I came across this shirt on Pinterest and I thought about my childhood (and probably some of my actions as a thirty-something year-old adult...okay, those who know me, know I'm 33).I wasn't a "bad" child who needed a lot of "disciplining" and really can't recall getting whipped, beaten, or spanked at all (I'm sure my mom or aunts can confirm or counter this statement). There is only one occurrence that I actually remember, and I was a teenager at that time. I had a very smart mouth and didn't know when to shut up.

Anyway, as I looked at this shirt, I remember some of the things that I used to do in youth group that my peers wouldn't do. I was downright bold. I had a reasonable respect for authority (our leaders), but there were times when, my mouth would get me in trouble. If I didn't like you, I didn't feel I had to listen, simply put. 

I'm probably going to regret sharing this, but not really, it's my past, my story, my journey to where I am today. I remember an outing with some friends at church. We were going to the movies and a friend's mother was coming with us. I can't remember how old we were at the time, but it was a chaperoned event. The girls and I conspired a way to have her mom take us; yet, innocently meet some of our friends from another youth group that we would have Bible Study with. When they showed up, we acted surprised (deceitful) to see them. From the look on her face, you really wouldn't have been able to distinguish if she bought into our story or saw the plot and scheme right away. 

I have many more stories that I can tell, but I'm not quite ready to release them due time. I can say that I once I got a divine revelation of 1 Samuel 15:22 (For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry) things started to change in my life...and I'm still growing and evolving daily.

Until next time... 

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