Wednesday, September 15, 2010

We'll just call this...Beginning of the End

No more lies,
No more lies
No more lies

That is the scream of someone, bound to the secrets contained within
Living each day with fear that someone will uncover the truth 
A continued state of looking over the shoulder
Worrying about the whispers of those who sit across from, next to and behind 
Can they see it? Can they smell it?
Do they know where you've been and what you've done?

...You see, we know that the sins of our past have a way of catching up with us.  Or we've been told and we've seen that what is hidden must be revealed...."what's done in the dark, must come to the light". Truthfully, we never get away with anything. There is always a season of being caught or when enough becomes enough, thus your own conscience TELLING and revealing to some one you deem trustworthy to involve. 

The worst part about secrets is that we put a wall up between us and God. He knows all things, sees all things, and gives us room enough to act out those things that WE desire. We want Him in our lives when its convenient...yep that was me. I needed Him at my disposal to move on my behalf, to protect me, to shield me, to remove me, to cover me....I NEEDED and longed for his presence and help....yet after it was received, shortly thereafter, I turned my back... 

... We often set ourselves up to do things out of obligation and routine rather than a place of purity (pure motives). We want to still do our own thing behind closed doors, yet desire to be elevated in public. Life lesson: you will only go but so far walking the line - one foot in, one foot out. 

...this woman, was in between two worlds.... be continued... 

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